

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  

2 Corinthians 9:7

Thank you for your generosity!
Please find below the following ways in which you can donate to ENHK.

ATM/Internet Transfer/FPS

  • HSBC: 168-317782-838
    Every Nation Church, Hong Kong, Limited
  • FPS ID: 1959212
  • Please send through a copy of your payment record to so that we can issue you a tax receipt


  • Please use our donation envelope and put it in the offering bags during our Sunday Service


  • Please make your cheque payable to “Every Nation Church, Hong Kong, Limited”

Tax Exemptions

We are registered with the Hong Kong government as a not for profit company, and therefore all donations made to the church are processed as tax-deductable donations within Hong Kong. Please ensure that you provide your correct details to us for all payments so that we can issue you with the relevant receipt.